Adrasana Özgü Bitkiler – Belen Bucağı :

Sadece Kumluca ve Tekirova arasında Adrasan yakınlarında görülen bu bitki türü sarı ve turuncunun birbirine girmiş renklerini barındıran çiçekleri ile çekici bir görüntüye sahiptir. Kolaylıkla bahçe bitkisi olarak da yetiştirilebilen, kahverengi bezelye gibi görünen tohumlara sahip olan bu bitki önemli biyolojik zenginliklerimizdendir.
This plant species, found only near Adrasan, between Kumluva and Tekirova, has an attractive look with its flowers in colors mixing yellow or orange. It can easily be cultivated as a garden plant. Belen Vetch with its brownish pea-like seeds is among the important blological significance of Adrasan.

Lathyrus belinensis
A recently discovered annual species, Lathyrus belinensis makes an unusual and attractive garden plant. It is easily grown and strongly scented, although the fragrance is different to that of the related sweet pea, Lathyrus odoratus.
• name : Lathyrus belinensis Maxted & Goyder 1988
• common names : The Belin Pea
• section : Lathyrus
• type : annual herb
• habit : climbing
• distribution : Turkey
• flowers : strongly veined orange-red standard with bright yellow wings, fragrant
• legume : 35 mm, tan, 1 – 4(5) seeded, indehiscent
• seed : flattened and grooved, quite variable in colour

An easily grown annual for a sunny position. The small rough seeds germinate readily if the seed coat is abraided immediately prior to sowing, and the young plants can be planted out in their flowering position after the last frost. A more delicate looking plant than the sweet pea, with smaller leaves and flowers.Lathyrus belinensis needs support for it to reach its natural height of about three or four feet. It is also ideal for growing in urns or hanging baskets where it will trail downwards without producing excessive growth. The value of this species as a garden plant is greatly enhanced by the fact that it carries a gene which makes it immune to powdery mildew. Seed is available from Owl’s Acre Sweet Peas.

Adrasana Özgü Bitkiler – Belen Bucağı
Legume & Seeds
Lathyrus belinensis is closely related to L. odoratus but the two species do not produce a viable hybrid under normal conditions. The hybrid has, however, been created using laboratory techniques and, although itself sterile, produces fertile offspring when back crossed onto L. odoratus. Work originally carried out in the hope of breeding a yellow sweet pea proved unsuccessful, but efforts to transfer the single dominant gene which confers resistance to powdery mildew looks more promising. Hybrids between L. odoratus and L. belinensis often exhibit unusual and unexpected flower colours.
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